Morton Corbet Castle, Shropshire

This time we head up north towards the impressive ruins of Moreton Corbet Castle, an architectural wonder of over 500 years of building. The earliest surviving remains are those of a stone castle begun around the 1200s, including a fine gatehouse. The castle is an English heritage property, unmanned and free to wander, near the... Continue Reading →

Bronllys Castle, Wales

We decided to show share a recent trip we took just above the lovely Brecon Beacons (Bannau Brycheiniog) in South/Mid Wales in the Powys area. Hidden amongst concealed and beautiful autumnal woodlands, come explore the small but mighty Bronylls Castle with us. Like most others of the time, the first castle here was a simple... Continue Reading →

Scotney Castle, Kent

Nestled in the lush Kent countryside, Scotney is a great place to visit to delve into England’s historical past. The estate features a romantic 14th-century moated castle ruin that wouldn’t look out of place in a fantasy film, a stunning Victorian manor house with glorious gardens and impressive woodlands. Sit back and join us for... Continue Reading →

Winkworth Arboretum, Surrey

A trip down memory lane, our visit from October 2022, detours us from crusading castle ruins to go for a wander around the lovely Winkworth Arboretum in Surrey. Owned now by the National Trust who look after and nurture this 95 acre woodland with over 1000 different types of flowers, trees and shrubs. It's known... Continue Reading →

Boxgrove Priory, Sussex

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel and to another explore. This week we travelled down the road from our hometown and towards the remains of Boxgrove Priory, standing at the end of a gravel path in a stunning setting in the small quiet town of Boxgrove and at the foot of the South Downs.... Continue Reading →

Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire

This week we visit Kirby Hall, one of England’s greatest Elizabethan and 17th-century houses, Built by Sir Humphrey Stafford but then passing ownership to Sir Christopher Hatton, who was the Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth I. It was a large stone house that was built towards the end of the 16th century but modified in... Continue Reading →

Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon

In true pinned style we had the place to ourselves, the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind and footsteps around the various buildings really set the tone for an eerie experience. We take our time to walk inside to the courtyard and underneath the mighty gatehouse. History of the castle begins with the Norman... Continue Reading →

Hopton Castle, Shropshire

Our next place of interest took us to the southern edge of the Shropshire hills, being strategically placed and a now crumbled medieval ruin, Hopton castle was besieged in a notorious battle of the English civil war. Join us as we walk the castle and find out what happened on the bloody battlefields and how... Continue Reading →

Tretower Court & Castle, Wales

After a quick visit around the Brecon beacons, we went back and explored an incredible historic set of properties near Crick Howell and at the foot of the black mountains. Immerse yourself in Welsh medieval life by visiting one of the best castles and finest late medieval houses in Wales. The elaborate castle, with its... Continue Reading →

Rockbourne Roman Villa, Hampshire

Rockbourne villa was actually discovered in 1942 by a farmer named Morley Hewitt, he discovered the remains of the mosaic floor by accident, small pieces of oyster shells and roman tiles were found when trying to dig out a ferret in the fields, upon this discovery, he purchased the lands and began conducting excavations to... Continue Reading →

Castle Acre Priory, Norfolk

After our walk around at Castle Acre just literally down the road from here we visit Castle Acre Priory, with over 450 years’ worth of being the home and workplace to monks and their servants, the priory is a significant example of the first Cluniac order of monks to England, join us for an explore... Continue Reading →

Knowlton Church and Earthworks, Dorset

Our visit today takes us around a hollow shell of an old church surrounded by a Neolithic earthwork in the beautiful countryside of Dorset. Join us as we find out why this church was once a symbol of transition from pagan to Christian worship and wander the site exploring how atmospheric and haunted the Knowlton... Continue Reading →

Castle Acre, Norfolk

Join us for an explore at the mighty ruins of Thetford Priory and discover the history of one of the most richest and important Cluniac priories in the country at the time, the priory was also the burial place of the powerful dukes of Norfolk and even the original resting place for Henry Fitzroy, son... Continue Reading →

Thetford Priory, Norfolk

We’ve been exploring up the country for our next set of videos but decided that we wanted to visit the area of Norfolk and see some of it’s surroundings, so this week, join us for an explore at the mighty ruins of Thetford Priory and discover the history of one of the most richest and... Continue Reading →

Urquhart Castle, Scotland

Hey everyone, welcome back to the last in our first tour of Scotland ,We’ve truly had the best time discovering new and old places but had to save the best till last, in our opinion of course until the next time we venture up North. Please join us in wandering an iconic and ruinous stronghold... Continue Reading →

Slains Castle, Scotland

Nestled upon the rugged cliff tops of Aberdeenshire, overlooking dramatic seascapes and Cruden Bay Golf Course, we explore this ruin, join us as we wander alone and learn about how this very castle became the visual palette for the famous story of Bram Stokers Dracula. Slains Castle is a large imposing ruin fronting directly onto... Continue Reading →

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